Year: 2011


21:05 pm . May 13, 2011

EuroLaunch, a cooperation between the Esrange Space Center of SSC and the Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA) of DLR, is responsible for the campaign management and operations of the launch vehicles. Experts from ESA, SSC, and DLR provide technical support to[...]


20:05 pm . May 13, 2011

Half of the payload is reserved for German students, while the Swedish half has been made available to students from other European countries through a collaboration with ESA Education. REXUS is considered as an annual sounding rocket program, launched from[...]


20:05 pm . May 13, 2011

The project   The TEXUS project is a sounding rocket program with the primary aim to investigate the properties and behaviour of materials, chemicals and biological substances in a microgravity environment. The TEXUS program gives around six minutes of microgravity.[...]